Off to See the Wizard – itinerary #DisneyOzEvent
I am sitting at the Orlando International Airport going over my schedule for the next several days for the Disney Oz Event and I am so excited that the double espresso may have been not necessary this morning! 😉
Here’s a quick run down of what you can expect to be hearing about over then next few days –
Today I am traveling from Orlando to Los Angeles. Once I arrive I will be taken to the gorgeous Langham Huntington Hotel – yes, simply magnificent!
With a few hours to explore a little it won’t be long before I have to get my Cinderella on and begin the transformation from me to fabulous.
With a little help from Urban Decay and OPI, I will use a mixture of Glinda and Theadora to get a little beauty going on for the night.
Off to the El Capitan Theatre for the premiere of OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL, where we are walking the red carpet with the one that the paparazzi are there to see. I plan on sharing as much as I can with you – for trust me, I get how truly special and unique this experience will be.

Image via Nick Salinas Facebook
You’d think after such an experience, what more could I possible do in a day? Well leave it to Disney to give just a bit more – yes, seriously. Immediately following the film, we will depart from the El Capitan Theatre and depart for Lure Nightclub for the Premiere Party for OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL.
Wow – what a day! I am sure after so much excitement and being up for 24 hours straight, the comfort of my bed at the Langham Huntington Hotel will be even better than any dream I may have while sleeping soundly.
So, after a day and night like this planned, makes you wonder what else could Disney possibly have in store?
Let’s take a look at day 2. (I am sure it’ll start off with a sweet Valentine’s Day message from the ones I love at home.)
We head out bright and early for a little breakfast at Walt Disney Animation Studios where we will experience the WRECK-IT RALPH In Home Press Day. What is this? Oh – check this out –
“The World of Ralph” Blogger Pods
· STORY –Sit down with members of the story department to understand the creation of a character and walk through its various stages of development
· VISUAL DEVELOPMENT – Discussion with key team members regarding the development of “Ralph” and his world
· RIGGING –Demonstration of how characters such as “Ralph” are brought to life and given a full range of movements
· ANIMATION – Follow the animation process of a character from origination to finished scenes
· MOTION CAPTURE – Hands-on demonstration of the motion capture system used to design the characters movements (video recording device highly suggested)
My sweet daughter Gabi would die to be here for this for she wants to be an animator and loves this process. I promise that I will share the amazing process with all of you for I want her to feel like she was right there too. 🙂
After lunch we have been invited for a MULAN in Home Presentation with Director Tony Bancroft and his brother, Supervising Animator of the character “Mushu”, Tom Bancroft.
Then we get a little Disney magic time to check out the Disney store before heading back to the hotel and going on a property tour of the Langham Huntington Hotel.
Next, with no time to spare we are ready to get our party on once again as we celebrate OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL once more at the themed junket reception with food & drinks. There will be a magician performing and the OZ hot air balloon will be there! Whoot! I want a picture!
Day 3 – I will peel myself out of bed and have several cups of coffee as I prepare for the day where we will be chatting with the ones those paparazzi were busy photographing the night of the premiere. But not until after taking some photos with some of the costumes from the movie. Check out this amazing line up Disney has arranged for interviews –
- Rachel Weisz (“Evanora”)
- Mila Kunis (“Theodora”)
- Zach Braff (“Finley”)
- Michelle Williams (“Glinda”)
- Joey King (“China Girl”)
- Director Sam Raimi
- James Franco (“Oz”)
This is where I will need your help – tweet, fb or email me your questions and I will do my best to get those answered for you!
Remember to follow me on twitter @tasalinas or follow the hashtag #DisneyOzEvent for everyone that is participating in this awesome event, that way you don’t miss anything!
I am sure I will be exhausted, but the memories will last a lifetime!
Disney’s Oz The Great and Powerful opens in theaters everywhere on March 8th, 2013!
“Like” Oz the Great and Powerful on Facebook and “Follow” on Twitter.
Disney’s Wreck-It Ralph will be available to own on DVD/Blu-ray on March 5th, 2013!
“Like” Wreck-It Ralph on Facebook and “Follow” on Twitter
*I have been invited to this awesome event as a guest of Disney but all opinions are my own!
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