I have some very exciting news. One of my very dear friends that I have known for close to 10 years has decided to accept my invitation to have her join Trippin’ with Tara as a contributor. Meet Paris Carter, the inspiration of my recent introduction of juicing. I asked her a few questions to help my readers to get to know her a little better.
TwT: You weren’t always a good eater (I know, I’ve been VERY bad with you for years), why the change?
PC: No, definitely not. I was raised with a sugar iv in my arm, and back in the day, the gauge for health was weight (sadly, according to our culture). So growing up I wasn’t very in tune with food and its relationship to self.
TwT: You’ve taken your health to a new level, first you began with yoga…well tell me the process, how’d you start?
PC: Before yoga i actually started with working out 6 days a week.At that time I also needed a deeper physical activity- one that did more than sustain physical health and appearances. That is what led me to ashtanga yoga. Contrary to what some may perceive yoga to be (stretching), it is a practice that is physically challenging, but most importantly, a practice that leads me toward a higher consciousness. And that, for me, is the true importance of health.
PC: I tend to go to carrot juice in the morning, usually with ginger. However, my good ole faithful is kale with pineapple and celery. It is just so satiating, especially after a work out or yoga.
TwT: You have already impacted my life and the way I think about food, that is why I wanted you to consider being a contributor on my blog. What are your hopes for the people that take the time to check out what you share?
PC: I am super happy that you feel enough to make healthy initiatives! My mantra regarding health is “It affects everything you do, and everything you do affects it”. My hope for anyone who takes the time for what I share is that they just reflect on the same. We invest so much time in researching insurance, cars, hotels, etc…but we tend to take so little time investing in researching what we eat, and the relationship it has with not only our physical health, but our emotional, mental, and spiritual health. Take the time….
Working as a Fine Art Photographer, I find refuge from the life of wife and mother
to 3 busy athletes. As wonderful as the technological advancements of this day & age
bring, I find slowing things down invaluable. Our relationships deserve our full attention,
and by attending to our own health we foster all things positive!Lover of Ashtanga Yoga, Plant strong nourishment, and a thirst for learning.
We’re all in this together, Namaste!~Paris
I am so beyond excited to have Paris be part of my Trippin’ with Tara journey. As my readers know, I am a food BACON lover, so making huge changes in my life to be healthier, yet keeping it real is one of my goals. I have a feeling as you get to know Paris and read her posts, you too may just get a bit inspired and try some things you may have never done to become healthier. And of course, with balance. Watch out for my post to come – Juicing with a side of Bacon. And Paris I believe will be complimenting that post with something to do with massaging kale. 😉
Find Paris all over Social Media – http://about.me/pariscarter
- You Have to Remember – 9/11, 20 Years Later - September 11, 2021
- Creating the Perfect Look with a Maxi Dress - October 20, 2020
- Brand Better Giveaway - October 6, 2020
Tara, this is simply wonderful and I can see that you are glad to have her as a contributor. I will be back to see her posts. 🙂
Awesome! xx
Hi Paris! It’s always great to have a friend who’s got your back, in life and business as well!
Hi Jen! Likewise! Looking forward to connecting with you xx
It’s neat that your lifestyle changes got rid of your migraines! Never heard of that working before.
It’s amazing how food can either be our medicine or our poison Emily! Thanks for reading xx
Very interesting, I notice I feel better when I eat healthier too. But it is hard to maintain the lifestyle.
It can be Anne, but any small steps you take are still awesome. xx
Very cool!! Can’t wait to read some of her posts 🙂
Thank you Ashley! I’m excited to share 🙂
Looking forward to reading future posts and its great to learn more about the person behind the computer!
Wonderful Joelen, likewise! x
Welcome Paris! Can’t wait to read all you have to share.
Thank you Crystal! Xx
Hi PAris! Nice to “meet” you and can’t wait to see your posts!
Nice to meet you too Kas!!