Homemade Almond Milk

Paris has been a Trippin’ with Tara contributor for a little bit now, but our lives have been busy so it’s been a bit since she’s had a chance to drop by. Well lucky for us she is sharing how she makes her homemade almond milk with a recipe you’ve gotta try to believe just how easy it is to make.





I’m excited about this one. Definitely worth the time (which took 30 minutes to make 2 gallons!).

The taste, doesn’t compare. It’s real, fresh, no carcinogens, no harm to animals or the environment, no RBGH hormones, no antibiotics. Ok, some of those things you don’t get from store bought almond milk, but you do get the Carrageenan in that.

Homemade Almond Milk

So the ratio 1:4. 1 cup almonds, 4 cups water.

1. SOAK the almonds in filtered water overnight. It helps removes enzyme inhibitors in the skin that can cause digestive issues.


2. Rinse the almonds.
3. Blend 1:4, use new filtered water, not what you soaked them in of course.





4. Pour through a cheese cloth bag into a large bowl.




5. Rinse blender & pour back into blender, for easy handling, unless you prefer to use a funnel.

6. Pour into jars & Refrigerate for up to 4 days.


* You can sweeten with vanilla bean, cinnamon, dates, agave or honey. But I don’t, since I add all that when I make smoothies.
* For the chocolate version, once done, add to an entire blender, 3 teaspoons cacao powder, 1 tsp honey, cinnamon, and a good pinch of fine sea salt.


Paris Carter
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