I have been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free to do this post. All opinions are my own.
Ever since I was a little girl I loved Halloween. The decorations of fall, pumpkin carving, the school parties, and of course, the BEST part – Trick or Treating. I remember my favorite house to visit had all sorts of lights and creepy music playing. When I got to the front door, there was an old man sitting in a chair. It appeared to be a stuffed shirt and pants with a mask in a chair, sorta like a creepy decoration. Ha, wouldn’t you know, the moment I’d reached for some candy, he’d grab my hand and make me scream. Such a fun memory from my childhood. I think it’s trickled down to my girls. They still, even as teens, love this time of year!
Halloween Prank Ideas
I love a good prank, and when I saw that Best Buy was sharing 5 Halloween Prank How-Tos, it gave me some great ideas of ways to really freak some people out with some new technology. So with that being said,I was onboard! You should check out all the videos, but for me, this was my favorite!
It would be easy to take advantage of the Philips hue LED White and Color Ambiance Starter Kit for this prank. With the lighting system totally controllable by an app, we could watch from the windows upstairs to see what happens with the kids coming to the door. I think it will make pranks all the more fun this year.
We are all around big pranksters in our house and it doesn’t have to be Halloween – so this will be done at some point. But shhh, don’t tell my family.
The brains of this prank is WeMo outlet switches and light switches you control from anywhere with a smartphone or tablet. You can make hair clippers and a hair dryer seem to turn on by themselves. Then, kill the lights and make a spooky light and music show come alive.
Click here for all 5 Halloween Prank How-Tos – High-tech pranks you can do for a high-scare Halloween on the Best Buy site.
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