When I’m sitting in my Bio II lecture, and I get a text from my mother asking if I want to go to Canada, I obviously jump at the opportunity. Weeks later I find myself on a plane from Orlando International to Montreal. I have been thinking about blogging and vlogging my travels for a bit now, and Trippin’ with Tara is giving me a platform to share some of the fun stuff I do. So here’s my first blog and vlog post! Thanks for reading about my five days in Montreal.
Five Days in Montreal
Day 1 & 2
These days were pretty laid back. We checked into the Intercontinental in Montreal then took to the streets. We explored the underground shopping centers and took to riding a double decker tour bus to ride around and see the city from. The streets and city life were a sight to see for this small town beach girl. The coolest thing, for me, may have been all the road signs being French. That and the beauty of the art museum. The art museum was composed of 5 buildings all connected underground. The artwork mixed with that architecture was stunning.
Day 3
We spent the entire day on three things. The first exploring the beauty of St. Joseph’s church. Located at the top of Mount Royal, not only does it have a beautiful build but an extraordinary view. After we had left the church, we found our way to Pointe-à-Callière Museum. I got to extend my knowledge on Montreal and its history which may sound boring, but with how interactive and entertaining the museum itself was, it was anything but. After that, we made a small adventure to China Town. I recommend going. (And grabbing take out to pig out on in your hotel room haha)
Day 4
The day that was full of emotions. Those emotions being me wanting to kick some toddlers like I was kicking the winning field goal in the super bowl. But I’m a good person, so I refrained. On that note, the day was spent at the Olympic stadium. We started off in the insectarium, then strolled through the botanical gardens, made our way to the biodome, and ended at the planetarium. Besides imagining myself as a kicker for the NFL, it was a superb time.
Day 5
Today was not as packed full of events, we just strolled through the city, stopped at a Starbucks for a cup of warm love (aka a hot chai tea latte with soy) and made our way to the airport to fly back home to the Florida heat.
Montreal was nothing short of amazing (and slightly nippy for May). I am so grateful I was given a chance to experience the city and its culture. I recommend going, the only change I would make would be to have been able to stay longer!
- Five Days in Montreal - May 26, 2017
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