I am always grateful for the good I have in my life. I try to mention my appreciation and gratitude often, for I know just how blessed I am. I really do.
Counting My Blessings
I have two amazing daughters that I love and beam with pride over. I have a man that does all he can to make my life better, he loves me, flaws and all, and loves the girls as his own. That alone makes me extraordinarily blessed. I just love my family. <3
If I had to write down all the qualities that make the perfect best friend, this beautiful woman’s name would appear. I am so lucky to have Darla in my life! She is my rock! I love her. And this year we took a trip to San Francisco and Napa Valley to celebrate our 40th birthdays. We had an incredible time. I am ever so grateful for her and this trip.
Here are a few more people that are extremely important in my life and I am blessed to have as friends. I spend a tremendous amount of time with all of these people. Funny how all but one are in some way “work” related. But look at my life. I hardly can call it work. I love each and every one of these people for countless hours of fun and laughter. Adam, Tiff, Marshall, Kas, Jeana, and Louise, I don’t ever want to know a world without you in it, for you make my life fun! xoxoxox
Speaking of work…lol…yeah, so I have a fantastic job working at Global Resort Homes right next to where Mickey lives, but I also have been overly blessed to have a successful blog that gives me opportunities like this! Going to LA for the Thor and Delivery Man event was nothing short of amazing. I mean…that is me with Vince Vaughn. Yes, I am very grateful!
Meet some of the most incredible women I have had the pleasure of hosting and becoming friends with – my Canadian girls, plus 2 locals. This event that I hosted was incredible for so many reasons that I can’t begin to list them all. I will say that I have watched fears conquered, friendships formed and memories of laughter to last a lifetime! I adore these girls.
Travel. I do a lot of travel. And this year I have traveled 11 months of the year. Some of the spots I got to visit are; Amsterdam, Phoenix, LA, San Francisco, Napa Valley, Jamaica, Grand Turk, Las Vegas, Toronto, Belgium, Paris, Ireland, Punta Cana….yes…see, incredible right? I have met some of the most interesting people, have had opportunities that have been mind boggling to be part of, and it makes me that much more excited as to what’s to come in the upcoming year.
Being part of Vacation Express campaign for the Social Savvy Rock Star – Um…look at the photos. VIP treatment to the iHeart Radio Festival…It was nothing short of just amazing and fun!
This year I have been so blessed. I have so many things to be thankful for, and I have so many people that I love and can’t put photos and name them all. But for each and everyone that reads my blog, I think I have to say, wow. Because I have people that care what I am up to, you all make it possible for me to keep doing it. Thank you to Greg and Paris for contributing to my blog too! How could I be anything but grateful for each and every one of you?
Happy Thanksgiving! Count your blessings! xoxox
- You Have to Remember – 9/11, 20 Years Later - September 11, 2021
- Creating the Perfect Look with a Maxi Dress - October 20, 2020
- Brand Better Giveaway - October 6, 2020
Happy Thanksgiving to you too!
What a wonderful post! I smiled the whole way through it. Happy Thanksgiving to you, too! 🙂
You have a beautiful family and it looks likes you have had tons of fun this year! Happy Thanksgiving!
This is such a beautiful post and it’s clear you have a lot of love in your life! I feel happy to get to share a small piece of that 😉 Hope you have an amazing day!
Happy Thanksgiving!! So many wonderful blessings!
I absolutely loved this. And, yes, you are blessed, indeed! 🙂 I also have a teenage daughter and I can’t say I count the teenage drama as a blessing most days, but I am thankful for my family all the same. Happy Holidays!