Breast cancer runs in my family. My grandmother and mother are both survivors. The reason they are both alive today is because of early detection. So when there was an opportunity to be part of the Breast Cancer Early Detection Campaign with PhoneFin highlighting the importance of getting a mammogram, I didn’t blink an eye.
Breast Cancer Early Detection Campaign with PhoneFin
Screening tests are used to find breast cancer before it causes any warning signs or symptoms. Regular screening tests (along with follow-up tests and treatment if diagnosed) reduce your chance of dying from breast cancer. (via http://bit.ly/sbgearlydetection)
This typically starts with a self-exams and then a mammogram. Mammograms are defined by the CDC as “an X-ray picture of the breast. Doctors use a mammogram to look for early signs of breast cancer. Regular mammograms are the best tests doctors have to find breast cancer early, sometimes up to three years before it can be felt.”

Buy Pink, Give Pink.
PhoneFin has teamed up with Clermont Radiology at their Central Florida locations for our early detection awareness campaign. For every pink PhoneFin sold in October, PhoneFin is giving out a glitter pink PhoneFin to a mammogram patient and sharing our awareness campaign with #PhoneFinCares.

What a fun way to support the cause! We all got our glitter pink PhoneFins and are ready to help bring awareness to early detection for breast cancer, how about you?

Order yours now!
Buy Pink, Get Pink
What’s a PhoneFin?
A stylish finger loop for your mobile phone that works as a stand and mount. It also has a patented reusable adhesive that can be washed and dried to be used again and again. So if Glitter Pink isn’t what you are all about, there is a wide variety of colors and styles, from animal prints, to suede, even transparent. Support Breast Cancer Awareness this month, save it for the next glitter pink occasion, then order your favorite style.

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