Imagine being a parent and getting told this by the local police, “Your son was taken into custody, handcuffed behind his back, and transported to the Iberia Parish Sheriff’s Office for processing. Once at the Sheriff’s Office, he became uncooperative and refused to exit the deputy’s patrol vehicle. As the deputy requested assistance from other deputies, your son produced a handgun and fired one round striking himself in the back.” Tough news to swallow. How does an officer search and find drugs on a person, but miss a handgun you ask? It’s possible I suppose. But not so fast, we only have the police version. That was March 3, 2014, in New Iberia, LA.
Just last week, after 6 long months, the Iberia Parish Coroner, Carl Ditch, finally released his findings. Are you ready for this? Mr. White had been shot alright, just NOT in the back as police reported just after the incident. The bullet entered just under his right nipple, passing through his heart and lung, then exiting out his left armpit. Now remember, Mr. White was sitting in a patrol car, handcuffed behind his back. Also, not that it really matters, Mr. White was left-handed. Official cause of death…suicide.
Rev. White II says when he saw his son’s body just hours after his death, he looked like he had been beaten up. “The left side of his face was swollen and looked distressed,” the father said. When he asked the coroner about the bruises, Rev. White said he was told that due to a pending investigation no information could be provided. Unbelievable.
Do I believe Mr. White III shot himself, ABSOLUTELY not!! Do I believe he was murdered by a police officer, YES. Thank goodness, it was just announced the other day that the FBI will be conducting a parallel investigation into the death of Victor White III. 1+1 isn’t equaling 2 in Iberia Parish, and it’s disgusting. A murder and attempted cover-up can be smelled from Florida.
Victor White III: Video Challenge
One thing I do believe is this; If the officer had been wearing a body camera as I talked about in another post, then we wouldn’t be asking these questions.
- Amendment 2: Why I’m Voting Yes - October 7, 2014
- Victor White III:Video Challenge - September 4, 2014
- Eric Garner, Not Forgotten - August 23, 2014
This is a horrible situation. 🙁 His poor parents.
It is inconceivable to me that this keeps happening.
Thank you for sharing this. I likely wouldn’t have known otherwise. How sad.